praise him with instruments of ten strings...repeater kette thunder with ingelics chanting ises unto the father.ancient order of chirubims n serraphyms
I`m so ashamed of what my forfathers have done and what still happens to Africans, i feel so sorry, i hope that one day, equal rights an justice are for all humans the same, no matter what colour you are, not just in the law, at all people minds also!!!
Michael Kühnis
Jah world without end
Most High JAH See and Know... Light and Guidance in all the paths of righteousness
b brown
Jah bless everyone with love light and harmony- we are one soul _we are mother father, the earth, the universe, the cosmos, the light of our creator.
Sempe John Leeuw
praise him with instruments of ten strings...repeater kette thunder with ingelics chanting ises unto the father.ancient order of chirubims n serraphyms
kelly harwood
I`m so ashamed of what my forfathers have done and what still happens to Africans, i feel so sorry, i hope that one day, equal rights an justice are for all humans the same, no matter what colour you are, not just in the law, at all people minds also!!!
Daniella Ventura
Thanks for your help. Keep sending the real information
christian jean-philippe
i love this song , JAH RASTAFARI live For EvER !!!
Fitzroy Floyd
never cool the binghi fiyah Iyah Binghi Ingels