I watched him some years back at a free show (Reno Hilton, fmr. MGM Grand) He tore the roof off the joint! On one song by the time he was finished he had three strings left on his Strat. It might have had smoke coming off of it or should have anyway.
He is fast becoming one of my favorite singers. Another is JJ Grey and Mofro
Karina Erdei
I watched him some years back at a free show (Reno Hilton, fmr. MGM Grand) He tore the roof off the joint! On one song by the time he was finished he had three strings left on his Strat. It might have had smoke coming off of it or should have anyway.
72. Semihollow thinline telicaster...love them guitars..Light weight and screaming humbuckers
Vonda Billiot
" Little Girl Blues " caught my attention right away this one .
Michael Milazzo
Did Jared Fogle write this song?
Dimitri Chaduneli
Godfather of blues !