you are the best I am glad to have known this channel because it has the best songs that I have heard in my whole life, graciuas for all nightblue and I hope to continue listening to these songs because it is the only thing I have for the moment of happiness that you give me many many Thank you...
You are the best I am glad to have known this channel because it has the best songs that I have heard in my whole life. Thanks for everything nightblue and I hope to continue listening to these songs because it is the only thing I have for the moment of happiness that you give me many Thank you...
Almost half a mill bois
Kakashi Karlik
one of best tracks ever heard from Nb3 Senpai rly thanks for this one ^^ DAISKIDES !!
Anønymøus DX8
you are the best I am glad to have known this channel because it has the best songs that I have heard in my whole life, graciuas for all nightblue and I hope to continue listening to these songs because it is the only thing I have for the moment of happiness that you give me many many Thank you...
Dizzy Spellz
i love the feel of this groove, awesome job mielo on the remix ;)
Bachi 1a
this drop is so amazing !!!! love it so much first thought my phone is lagging xD
Anønymøus DX8
You are the best I am glad to have known this channel because it has the best songs that I have heard in my whole life. Thanks for everything nightblue and I hope to continue listening to these songs because it is the only thing I have for the moment of happiness that you give me many Thank you...
Thanks so much for the support <3
Azdren Maliqi
I want to use this amazing piece in an edit, please tell me, is it copyrighted???