Collectivism and Autonomy sums up the message of this song well as the individuals, such as mentioned in the chorus, make up society which is the group that all works together. Without society, in return these individuals would die out from alienation.
John Dalton
And it seems to me like, lyrically, this guy is like the modern incarnation of Bob Dylan. Got to love a good lyricist.
Drucilda McLaren
I really love the guitar sounds!
this song has a similar style to a lot of Descendents songs
Collectivism and Autonomy sums up the message of this song well as the individuals, such as mentioned in the chorus, make up society which is the group that all works together. Without society, in return these individuals would die out from alienation.
Every Falcons fan loves this song. you know why
Mazin Omer
My new favourite band. How the hell I have been ignoring this for the last god knows how long is criminal! Brilliant stuff!
Helena Leary
this song grew on me so much lately. i found them because of chapo btw
Jason Swords
i *love* the theme and lyrics of this song
Chris Morfill
Great music but what a bunch of fascists.
Sydneyy May
How tf do people listen to this shit lol