Ivan Velez 2018-08-25 02:34:09 What if he made a comeback and proved everyone wrong... this year would be a good idea. So do it nick
Nikolay Marinov
Never heard my Og played this n r Kelly in this
Eric Tomlinson
Man R. Kelly and that flute make this song
Carlos Hernandez
Still gold
Gavin Lewis
this is trash this why yuo joked on wild an outg
Why the hook go so crazy
Mohannad Albis
That phone screen went "➰"
Monique Carter
This the only song I like from him
Ivan Velez
What if he made a comeback and proved everyone wrong... this year would be a good idea. So do it nick
Jay Stone
Anyone else notice the A Pimp Named Slick Back reference?
Kapo 600
this was in 2014 why df dey dressed like dey in dah 1990’s