Billy Buttfuck 2019-05-03 21:48:38 I hope his soul is just roaming around possessing ppl to make them do some crazy shit
Kai Shaw 2019-01-17 07:42:13 this song inspires me to take all of the things i want out of life, reach my peak then commit suicide.beautiful song with a powerful message.
Pete Johnson
Corona ad before a GG Allin song . . .
Billy Buttfuck
I hope his soul is just roaming around possessing ppl to make them do some crazy shit
The Mad Pioneer
GG had a ridiculously good talent for country honestly.
Ismael Rodriguez
Fucking A GG rock on forever bro rip stay evil
dropped baby
GG for life and ever
Kai Shaw
this song inspires me to take all of the things i want out of life, reach my peak then commit suicide.beautiful song with a powerful message.
Peter Mamaev
GG Allin - the ultimate chaotic evil of music.
Paweł F
fuckers check this out at 1.25 speed ;D
the gawd of fire and hell
Peter Mamaev
The Wiggles cover of this is great.