I always cry to this Gary V tune, its always touched me to the core..2006, then 7yrs later, and again dis year, it kept coming over me like tearing me apart to completely surrender& trust in Him and make me whole again to a stronger&faithful version of a new me.
I like the song, but you need lose that false European Image of Yeshua the Christ. He was not a white man.
Sha Me
I loved all his songs...i remember my mom has a cassete tape of Gary V and play it to walkman player pa,,
Scott Rose
I always cry to this Gary V tune, its always touched me to the core..2006, then 7yrs later, and again dis year, it kept coming over me like tearing me apart to completely surrender& trust in Him and make me whole again to a stronger&faithful version of a new me.
Ephesus Management
Could you please upload a karaoke for this song?tks