GREG TENEDINE 2019-06-25 13:24:54 Just Pass Those KEYS and Put the MASTER PLAN into effect ........OOOHHH YEAAAH HELL ON WHEELS
SCARECROWZ BAND 2019-03-27 20:41:32 first time hearing this band. pretty good. I just wished the guitar tone was sharper as I prefer that sound a bit more.
Drew Pierce 2018-06-30 19:03:48 AMC ripped off Fu Manchu, I mean how could they not use this as the theme song?
Just Pass Those KEYS and Put the MASTER PLAN into effect ........OOOHHH YEAAAH HELL ON WHEELS
first time hearing this band. pretty good. I just wished the guitar tone was sharper as I prefer that sound a bit more.
Pari Es
This CD is on heavy rotation in my 70 Challenger
Justin Hall
That is one ugly van.
Daniel Iacono
one of my favorites Songs of Fu manchu!!
Justin Hall
You got to . To the limit. God bless the Eagles.
Drew Pierce
AMC ripped off Fu Manchu, I mean how could they not use this as the theme song?