Theses lyrics. Why have I not read them before. It resonates so deeply with me. The relatability. Sitting there in your darkest times. Thinking wishing lost inside the hell inside your head. The hell that you have created. This is a good jam. I lole it alot. First time hearing it. I can hear the pain. The agony. I love it.
Timothy Skonicki
almost as heavy as pierce the veil
FRE3GUN cochonlegamer
damnnn I forgot how good this was.
Ominous Omi
I wish they came to my town.
frank smiths
Got up at 5 am and b4 i got outta bed i was already blaring this
Corey Kelley
This video convinced me to never try drugs. Thanks billion year old CG
Andrea Prodan
This is the best Chelsea grin song
mister misfit
This will forever be the best chelsea grin album in my opinion.
Theses lyrics. Why have I not read them before. It resonates so deeply with me. The relatability. Sitting there in your darkest times. Thinking wishing lost inside the hell inside your head. The hell that you have created. This is a good jam. I lole it alot. First time hearing it. I can hear the pain. The agony. I love it.