time to open the eyes..Religion will not save us and show the humans history background...We must to know who we are and where we come from...KOKO memories starwars thoughts..the lunatic ....a simply poo poo Co poo
Peace...transparency,,,real true...we are still a human specie in this supose earth magnetic sphre we are living..the holografic humans ...our eyes are control iinto magnetics fields...anatomy eyes...lents conversion...ll humans are blind...the blind humans body machines..The power bodies Blinds on the univerve...we are living into the darkness....only one can see us is G:O:D ...the creator...we are slaves and must to lean and to be humble...the top secret society...Enjoy the darkness...trough the eys are only ilusion...fantasy----memmes...selfies...tv...perhaps we are not humans...DNA change actvation...Human zero ground...level 1..level 2.parallel universe sleep activation 5G....interconnect...virgin Galaxie...TESla space xNasa...European space agency----sollar cells sustainble smart solutions...sun energyUpdate human beings...Agenda 22...Teletransport loop capsule space...Star Gate in Iran
Claudio Azeredo Coutinho
time to open the eyes..Religion will not save us and show the humans history background...We must to know who we are and where we come from...KOKO memories starwars thoughts..the lunatic ....a simply poo poo Co poo
Marino vucko
Music video for all generations
Steven Ross
Peace...transparency,,,real true...we are still a human specie in this supose earth magnetic sphre we are living..the holografic humans ...our eyes are control iinto magnetics fields...anatomy eyes...lents conversion...ll humans are blind...the blind humans body machines..The power bodies Blinds on the univerve...we are living into the darkness....only one can see us is G:O:D ...the creator...we are slaves and must to lean and to be humble...the top secret society...Enjoy the darkness...trough the eys are only ilusion...fantasy----memmes...selfies...tv...perhaps we are not humans...DNA change actvation...Human zero ground...level 1..level 2.parallel universe sleep activation 5G....interconnect...virgin Galaxie...TESla space xNasa...European space agency----sollar cells sustainble smart solutions...sun energyUpdate human beings...Agenda 22...Teletransport loop capsule space...Star Gate in Iran