Their sound is and will forever be the most unique in the genre. Like...Tom and Marks voices are so distinct and Travis is probably the best summer any band could ever have like wtf....
I hooked up few days ago with a girl from my highschool it was our 10th year highschool anniversary. We smoked a joint by the lake we made out and hit this song until dawn came.
Miss you a lot Alvi
Jack Skills
This or pumped up kicks
Britney Renèe
Their sound is and will forever be the most unique in the genre. Like...Tom and Marks voices are so distinct and Travis is probably the best summer any band could ever have like wtf....
Stiles Johnson
If this universe were completely empty, we all will be nothing and that better than any life, that is the best situation, ever. ✌
Hate Jack
I hooked up few days ago with a girl from my highschool it was our 10th year highschool anniversary. We smoked a joint by the lake we made out and hit this song until dawn came.
KinqHammerLP Tobi
am I the only one who thinks the thumbnail looks really inappropriate?
How the hell did California get nominated for a Grammy and Untitled didn’t? Blows my mind.
Krystal Lace
We used to mess with this song hard when some kid would try to act over the top as a running gag. Middle school years were fun times.
Pixel Donkey
Had this in my head for the last few days
Chaotic Eggrollz
Life is a penBlink-182 is a highlighterLife wrote the worldBlink-182 made it brighter