chocobonita 2019-03-21 04:16:28 My first The Others track was Africa from Fabriclive 37. This is so different lol, how times change haha
Nikita Moon 2018-11-30 23:43:54 To me the best dubstep is the kind u can physically feel...turned me into a vibration addict
te0nani 2018-08-27 04:43:14 Back to 2011 my head hurts after all 6 years of tranceTrapceDeallersOfDrucs :v MATH IS THE SHIT♥ FUCK k METHS K!!!
Gorgonzilla Dubstep 2018-08-19 03:48:04 For me, Bare Noize is, and always will be, the fuckin kings of Dubstep. Rock on, Danny and Ollie!
75% Bare Noize25% The Others
My first The Others track was Africa from Fabriclive 37. This is so different lol, how times change haha
Nikita Moon
To me the best dubstep is the kind u can physically feel...turned me into a vibration addict
Back to 2011 my head hurts after all 6 years of tranceTrapceDeallersOfDrucs :v MATH IS THE SHIT♥ FUCK k METHS K!!!
Gorgonzilla Dubstep
For me, Bare Noize is, and always will be, the fuckin kings of Dubstep. Rock on, Danny and Ollie!