michele rodriguez 2019-05-06 18:53:20 I need anger management, see I hold onto it a grudge the same way I hold onto that nickel placed snub. Mad props
Jeremy Laing 2019-02-04 10:32:27 50 is the second verse king. He also hops back in crazy after the first chorus lol
YouMad RightNow
This is how monsters function...
michele rodriguez
I need anger management, see I hold onto it a grudge the same way I hold onto that nickel placed snub. Mad props
DV Worlds
I thought I was the only one who appreciated this masterpiece
Lonnell Tiggett
been waiting for 50 to come back with some fire
Matt Heenan
Sad they was sleeping on you 50 when you made this album
Jeremy Laing
50 is the second verse king. He also hops back in crazy after the first chorus lol
SIEKICK Productions
i dont care this one of the hardest 50 cent songs EVER
wandile zwane
Favorite 50 cent track ever!!
Adrianna Kuczer
Classic 50. Most slept on album ever!